Everyone do guest posting. If you search google “guest posting”, you will get :

There is a lot of Guesting posting services and even thousands of websites listed. Everyone think their websites are safe. But What is low quality content website posting? Duplicated websites and no-content websites. As we mentioned before, every back link SEO efforts are black hat SEO strategories.
Google has updated their webmaster guidelines, specifically in the little or no original content guideline, to add “low-quality guest blog posts” as an example of “scraped content.”
Brian Ussery first spotted this change, noting how Google has been fighting the use of guest blogging and posting around link building. Specifically when Google’s head of search spam said guest blogging is done for SEO purposes.
Since then, Google has penalized several guest blog networks and continues to set their targets on low-quality guest blogging that aims at manipulating their search results.
The de-indexation of the major blog networks and the release of Penguin comprised the highly telegraphed but somehow unexpected 1-2 punch that Google delivered last spring. Those actions instantly outlawed a whole host of previously effective activities, leaving a void that, in many ways, guest blogging has been cooped to fill.
As mentioned, Google is, and has been for a while, cracking down on low quality content. Now, most people may not know what constitutes a high quality post. However, it is simple. When writing an article or blog post, a person should do a few things. Number one, a writer should provide quality to the reader. Meaning, when a person finds the blog post, they will get something out of their time spent reading it.
Secondly, while it is tempting to overuse phrases and keywords, one should avoid this and, instead, opt for a more natural-sounding approach. When this happens, the reader will enjoy the content more, and Google will not mark the page as spam.
Finally, while it is not as important as the other reasons, an experienced blogger should concentrate on keeping his or her posts as grammatically correct as possible. Without a doubt, when keeping the quality high, one will go a long way in avoiding issues in the first place.
Nothing will kill an SEO plan like duplicate content. While tempting, it is not wise for a person to guest post blog at dozens of sites. If a blogger does this, he or she must write unique posts for each site. To understand this further, one must understand that, at minimum, Google and other search engines will ignore the duplicate posts.
Sadly, this is usually not the case, and a site owner who uses duplicate content will usually have a hard time gaining traction in the search ranking results. Instead, a writer should try to tone down his or her projects and concentrate on providing truly unique work as this will allow him or her to provide great content without sounding boring or repetitive.
Tagged: Black hat SEO, guest blog network, Guest Posting
Everyone do guest posting. If you search google “guest posting”, you will get : There is a lot of Guesting posting services and even thousands of webs
[See the full post at: What is Black Hat SEO Low Quality Guest Posting Networks ?]
What is Black Hat SEO Low Quality Guest Posting Networks ?