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SSL: Security and benefits of the HTTPS protocol

Today, online commerce has become an important part of the web and continues to grow at a frantic pace. One of the key factors in the success of e-commerce has been the implementation of security technologies available on browsers and web servers – including SSL. The widespread use of ssl port smtp technology that provides the famous https SSL protocol has encouraged e-commerce to rise to its current level. As a result, internet commerce has become very dependent on SSL as a security and trust technology. The mystery around ssl console has not yet given its verdict so many questions are added to a non-exhaustive list.

SSL, what is it really? 

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the security technology used to establish encrypted communication between a web server and a browser. SSL security guarantees the security of all transactions between the Web server and browsers (clients). SSL is a standard used by millions of websites to protect their transactions with their different customers. It is this technology that allows you to access the HTTPS protocol.

What are the different categories of SSL certificates?

You can distinguish several but you will look at the three most recurrent:

Self-signed certificate: It is not signed by any certificate authority.

Simple signed certificate: It is issued by a certification authority.

Green bar signed certificate: It is signed and issued by a certification authority and displays a green bar in the browser.

What to understand by AC?

A Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates to secure Internet transactions and verify the identity of a website.

The financial guarantee on a certificate?

Most CAs offer a guarantee (insurance) in order to protect the end-user in the event of a certificate security breach. This insurance is used to mitigate the possible financial losses of your customers (the insurance can cover the equivalent of the lost amount) intrinsically related to the quality of the SSL certificate issued. Also, remember that having a certificate with guarantees can also reassure your customers and lead them to perform more transactions than a certificate without guarantees.

Why use SSL?

To encrypt sensitive information: The main reason why ssl aws is used is to keep sensitive information sent over the Internet, encrypted so that only the recipient can understand it. This is of paramount importance because the information sent over the Internet is passed from terminals to terminals before the destination server retrieves them. Any terminal between the client and the server can see credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information if they are not encrypted with an SSL certificate. When an SSL certificate is used, the information becomes unreadable for all entities except the recipient (host-server). It protects users against hackers and identity thieves.

To authenticate your website: In addition to encryption, an appropriate SSL certificate also allows authentication of your server. This means that your users will be sure that they send their information to the right server and not on a criminal’s server.

To win the trust of your customers: Web browsers provide visual cues, such as a lock icon (a padlock) or a green URL bar or the presence of the protocol (https and not Http), to assure visitors that their connection is secure. This is probably the guarantee of absolute trust between the user and your website. Visitors to your platform will be brought through these clues to buy from you. The seal of trust given by SSL providers can also inspire more trust with your customers.

SEO: SSL boosts the SEO of your website. Google recently announced that site encryption would be a big part of the positioning criteria. This news should spark a lot of enthusiasm for the ssl puan durumu.

To protect against phishing: A phishing email is an email sent by a criminal who attempts to impersonate your website. The email usually contains a link to its own website or uses a man-in-the-middle attack to take your own domain name. Because it is very difficult for these criminals to have an appropriate SSL certificate, they will not be able to impersonate your site. This means that your users will be much less likely to fall into this type of trap because they will be looking for confidence indicators in their browsers, such as a green address bar, padlock or seal of trust, or the presence of https protocol and they will not see it.

When is it important to have an SSL certificate?

If you pass sensitive private data over the Internet, an SSL certificate is an important layer of extra security. Although listening may be a less common form of attack, there is no reason not to protect transactions as the disappointments of such negligence are disastrous.

And even though the risk that your website runs may not be great, the risk to users may be significant in some cases. For example, any user accessing your website from a public wifi connection (such as in a cafeteria) can be spied quite easily by other users nearby. Intruders can see what your visitors, potential customers or absolute customers enter on your site forms if they do not have an SSL certificate.

The threat takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to login forms that usually ask for username and password. An unscrupulous person with bad inspirations can easily retrieve the login information of your customers and substitute for them.

Even if the risk is low with respect to your website, you should also consider that some users are reusing these passwords on many websites. The danger can spread to other sites and create situations that you will not be able to manage.

You should also be aware that you are responsible for all data, all files that pass through your site. Your responsibility is legally and morally committed hence this needs to switch to ssl decoder.

In standards, sites that handle sensitive information should be protected by an SSL certificate, that is:

  • E-commerce sites.
  • Service providers.
  • Banks and financial institutions.
  • Educational institutions.
  • Government sites.

SSL SMTP port is a method of securing the SMTP protocol using transport layer security.

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