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Free SEO Tools and Websites

I would like to recommend you the Free SEO Tools and Websites. All of these tools are available for free, so there’s no need to worry about investing any money.

  1. Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Google Analytics
  3. WordPress SEO by Yoast (or All-In-One SEI ) For WordPress Sites)
  4. Google Keyword Planner
  5. Mozbar

There should be a message at the top of the Google Keyword Planner that states that you need to have an active campaign in order to see the values rather than the ranges. This means you need to have a credit/debit card on your account and an approved campaign that is currently showing ads for keywords.

Google Keyword Planner

At the very minimum, you need to spend $1 on your ad campaign before you see the search volume again (a member here let me know that he called Adwords and they confirmed this).

My ad campaign has been paused for about a month now, and I can still see the search volume for keywords. I’m unsure if the data ever reverts back to data ranges.


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