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Earn $1,000+ in 30 days – NO Investment (other than your time)

Some of you may call this approach a rehashed technique. However, it worked for me and am confident it will for you too. This is not going to be a long winded guide. I’m keeping it short, sweet, and to the point.

I know there are plenty of members here in search of ways to make money online and this method I feel is a great way to accomplish that.

First and foremost, success with this method is a “numbers game”. You will be required to manually source leads (or hire a VA) to generate prospects.

Obviously, the number of daily generated leads correlates with the number of conversions produced.

One thing you will need is a skill set, it can be anything; content writing, SEO, reputation management, SMM, etc.

Essentially, so long as you possess the ability to provide a valuable service that will help clients to increase their online visibility and inbound leads you WILL earn.

Alternatively, find a “reliable” outsourcer and upsell their service(s) to your leads.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 1) Go to
  • 2) Enter your zip code or state (depending on if you want local clients)
  • 3) Search for “Primary Care” doctors (they account for the most listings)
  • 4) Gather ONLY the doctor’s name and search them on Google
  • 5) Find their personal and/or clinic website
  • 6) Start outreach

To go above and beyond, you could register a city- or state-focused domain.

For example, if we pulled 200 “Primary Care” physician leads on ZocDoc from Dallas, TX. you could register something along the lines of “” (just as an example) and begin email marketing to these physicians in the area.

There are a NUMBER of various services you could provide to these doctors. They’re already paying to be listed on ZocDoc and will pay YOU to increase their visibility/leads, especially if your pitch is persuasive/convincing (throw some medical jargon in).

In the past 30 days, I scraped 112 leads in my state from ZocDoc. While I only closed three sales, I generated $1,347 (2 $499 sales and 1 $349 sale).

I must tell you, scraping leads is TIME CONSUMING. Depending on how badly you need to make money it’s awesome little method (so long as you’re willing to invest the time).

ZocDoc is a great way to find qualified leads and if you leverage it right, spend time on your outreach methods, and develop a trustable looking site I’m confident your results could succeed mine.

Any questions? If so, comment here. Please do not PM me. :)

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