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What is DNS hosting service

A DNS hosting service is a service that runs Domain Name System servers. Most, but not all, domain name registrars include DNS hosting service with registration.

If you want to expand your website, a good DNS host may become your new best friend. DNS (Domain Name Systems) hosts can spread your website across servers in separate locations, optimizing access for you and your clientele.

DNS hosting comes in a variety of packages. Most charge money, but some are free. If you prefer, you can even self-host – but this takes a level of internet savvy that most users won’t attain. Be Sure to keep reading to find out which DNS Hosting is the best for you…

Free DNS hosting services also exist. Many third-party DNS hosting services provide Dynamic DNS.

DNS Hosting

DNS hosting service is optimal when the provider has multiple servers in various geographic locations that provide resilience and minimize latency for clients around the world.  By operating DNS nodes closer to end users, DNS queries travel a much shorter distance, resulting in faster Web address resolution speed.

DNS can also be self-hosted by running DNS software on generic Internet hosting services.

Reliability is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a DNS host. Your web hosting provider affects the redundancy of your website, speed, and even security. Many experts recommend hosting on two DNS providers to keep your data secure.

Free DNS

A number of sites offer free DNS hosting, either for second level domains registered with registrars which do not offer free (or sufficiently flexible) DNS service, or as third level domains ( These services generally also offer Dynamic DNS.

Free DNS typically includes facilities to manage A, MX, CNAME, TXT and NS records of the domain zone. In many cases the free services can be upgraded with various premium services. Example of free DNS service are, No-IP, EveryDNS, EasyDNS, Afraid, Zoneedit and ClouDNS. No-ip requires manual web site confirmation once a month.

Free DNS service providers can also make money through sponsorship. The majority of modern free DNS services are sponsored by large providers of telecommunication services.

Free DNS Hosting Provider

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