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9 Tips for Choosing a Domain Name

Nowadays, having an online or presence is vital for any business. It helps increase your client base.

Are you having trouble choosing a suitable domain name? It can be hard if you do not know how to go about it.

Choosing a site name is like choosing the company name, there are a lot of things that you have to think about when making such a decision. You have to take time to ensure you get the best URL for your website.

Choosing the wrong name can limit the number of traffic to your site. The domain name for free website can either make or break your site. Therefore, it is necessary that you choose a name that people can remember.

The URL is the first impression clients see about your business. Choosing a good URL through domain name generator and it will keep clients coming back to your site which is good for your business. It is one of the ways clients all be able to find your business online.

Having said that, how do you go about choosing the appropriate domain name?

Here is how to go about it.

  1. Make sure it is brandable

The first thing you have to think about is whether the website URL is brandable. It is through the URL that visitors will find your website. A brandable URL is unique and will be memorable. You can use the site name generators to create something unique. You should stay away from generic names.

  1. Keep it concise

The length of the site name matters a lot. It should be something shorter. Aim for URL that has 12 characters or less. When it comes to site URL; the shorter, the better. However, it may be hard to get the shorter name. You can opt for making it brandable.

  1. Easy to type

It is also important to look for a name that is easy to type. It should be easy for visitors to type the name without any problems. If it is something that you have to explain how it is spelled, then it is complicated. If potential visitors mistype the URL, they may end up on another site. Do not go for a complicated name.

  1. Easy to pronounce

Yes, the pronunciation matters a lot. It should be easy to pronounce your chosen URL. An easy to pronounce name will be easier for visitors to share by word of mouth. If you find that many people are having a hard time pronouncing the name, you should consider changing it. An easy to spell and easy to pronounce will be passed along easily.

  1. Do not use hyphens an numbers

Hyphens and numbers will only make it hard to pronounce and spell your URL. So, you should avoid them at all costs.  Imagine if  a site like Google had a hyphen. It will not have become so popular. Look for a name that is smooth. Just stick with letters to be on the safe side.

  1. Try using keywords

Keywords will help improve your search engine optimization. However, you should exercise caution here. You should not stuff a lot of keywords in the name.

In case, you want your URL to have a keyword, it should be at the beginning. You can use Google keyword planner to choose a suitable keyword.

  1. Think longterm

The domain name will define your business for many years. It may cost you money to change the name in future. You should avoid all that hassles by choosing the appropriate name.

Choose a name that will last for long time. It is advisable to go with a name that will represent your niche to the fullest. Thus, make sure you have your long term vision in kind when choosing a name for your website.

  1. Check its availability on social media

The other thing you need to do when choosing the site URL is to check if it is available on social media sites. Do not forget to check if there are trademarks to the name. It will be best to have the same name on your social media sites as well.

Using the same URL, will make it easy for fans, visitors, and customers to find you on different platforms. Do your research, to avoid getting a name that has been trademarked. There are tools that will help you find out of the name has been taken. You will be able to know if there are trademarks registered on your chosen name. In case it has already been taken, think of tweaking it a bit.

  1. Use the right extension

It is also vital to choose the right extension. There are many extensions that you can choose for your website. The .com is a very popular extension. It is because, the extension is easy to remember. Even though there are websites doing well with extensions like .net, and .org, you are much safer with a .com extension. Avoid the weird extensions like .pizza. The right website name will make it easy for visitors to access your site.

If you are having a problem choosing the right name, you can get the name generator to assist. Make sure you have an idea on the name to use. The name generator will help when your chosen name has been trademarked, is taken or simply does not sound right.

In case you are starting a personal site, blog or podcast, then it will advisable to use your name. Using your name will make you recognizable and it is a good strategy. However, if your name is hard to spell or too long, you can go with a combination of first name and middle name. You can also decide to use your nickname.

A domain name is an important part of any online business. Making a bad choice can greatly affect your business. It is important that you take time to get the appropriate name. Put careful though into the website name. The above tips will help you choose a suitable URL that will take your business to the next level.

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