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wordpress visual editor not working

  • Creator
  • #328
    Avatar photoEric Smith

      My wordpress visual editor not working. How to fix it ?

      The thread fixed a lot of people’s website but not mine ?

      The solutions are:

      1. change to a different permanent links

      2. change a username using your admin rights if you create your user by phpadmin

      3. change to a different browser

      4. install wp-editor plugins

      5. reinstall WordPress Core

      6. Delete Cache of all logs by File Manager

      7. change to a different theme

      8.  disabled all plugins

      9. Change “Display name publicly as” to your Nickname

      10. Check wp-config.php file


      Who can give me more solutions ?

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoEric Smith.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoEric Smith.
    Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
    • Author
    • #331
      Avatar photoEric Smith

        Finally fixed the problem. This website is copied from another website and some old setting may in effects.

        .htaccess file may block the tinymce editor.

        Just deleted the .htaccess file and recreate a .htaccess file by change permanent link.

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